
Fetch for MAC

Free to try English Version: 5.7.7

3.7 (74.2%) 2700 votes

FTP/SFTP client.

Security Status: No Threats Detected

Software description

Fetch is a full-featured FTP, SFTP and FTPS (FTP with TLS/SSL) client with a simple and easy-to-use interface.
Fetch features include: one-click editing remote files with any application, automatic restart of failed or stalled transfers, Quick Look, WebView, droplet shortcuts, automatic support for Zip, Tar, Gzip, StuffIt and other common file formats, Bonjour support, Unicode file names, synchronizing folders using the Mirror command, automating repetitive tasks with Automator actions and AppleScript recording, a Dashboard widget for easy uploading and tracking the progress of your upload, and extensive online help.
Upgrades for licensed users of Fetch 5.3.1 or earlier are $10.

No Threats Detected
Fetch Softworks
11.82 MB
Free to try
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