Equalify Pro

Equalify Pro for Windows

Free to try English Version: 1.1.7

4.6 (91.2%) 2942 votes

Add equalizer for the Windows desktop version of Spotify.

Security Status: No Threats Detected

Software description

Equalify Pro is the new version of the equalizer for the windows desktop version of Spotify (Windows 7 or above is fully supported-vista and below might work as well but no guarantees). This time it is fully parametric and is built for the new version of Spotify-and therefore requires Spotify v1.0 or above to work. Equalify Pro was initially released in May 2015 and is being updated continuously.

Since the creation of the original Equalify plugin-it has evolved a lot; both in visuals and features. Equalify Pro blends beautifully into Spotify-just click the Equalify Pro button in the Spotify window to show the equalizer and you can enhance the audio for the best listening experience. Equalify Pro is now able to seamlessly change the output device without having to restart Spotify-or even pause the music that is playing. It is simple to install-and when you create an account you can choose from various license models to suit your needs. The multitude of settings makes it easy for you to get Spotify working and sound like you want it to.

No Threats Detected
Leonardsen Software
Free to try
Windows 10|Windows 7|Windows 8|Windows 8.1|Windows XP
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