Discovery Pro

Discovery Pro for Windows

Free to try English Version: 6.8.1

4.7 (94.79%) 2317 votes

Make music with a 12-oscillator synth and sampler for VSTi hosts.

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Software description

Discovery Pro is 12 oscillators Virtual Analog VSTi Synthesizer featuring 4 layers-unison-WAV and SoundFont (SF2) support-PADSynth re-synthesis-2X oversampling/undersampling-built-in arpeggiator-sync-FM-12 filter types-panning modulation-stereo delay and gate effects-graphic envelope modulation. Imports and exports Nord Lead 2 SysEx. VST 64-bit ready.

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101.61 MB
Free to try
Windows 10|Windows 7|Windows 8|Windows 8.1|Windows XP
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