Dejal Time Out

Dejal Time Out for MAC

Free English Version: 2.5

3.8 (75.13%) 160 votes

Get reminded to take a break, while using a computer.

Security Status: No Threats Detected

Software description

It is very easy to fall into bad habits when using a computer for hours on end. You care about what you are doing, so can sometimes push yourself too far, or over-strain yourself. The human body isn’t built to sit in one position for endless hours, gripping a mouse or typing on the keyboard. Dejal Time Out is here to help. It will gently remind you to take a break on a regular basis. Time Out has two kinds of breaks: a “Normal” break, typically for 10 minutes after 50 minutes of work, so you can move about and relax, plus a “Micro” break: a very brief pause of typically 10 seconds every 10 minutes, so you can remember not to tense up too much for long periods. You can configure how long each kind of break lasts, and how long between breaks, or disable each kind. Each Time Out is announced via the screen slowly dimming, with related graphics materializing, and when the break is complete, it fades out again. You can change the time these transitions take and you can even change the color and the level of transparency during the break. So if you like, you can make it mostly transparent so you can continue reading while on your break. Though it’s better for you if you give your eyes a rest during the Time Out. At the start and/or end of the break, you can optionally play a sound, and even run an Automator workflow, AppleScript, or application.

No Threats Detected
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