
CutOut for MAC

Free to try English Version: 6

3.7 (73.2%) 1847 votes

Create the perfect photomontage.

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Software description

CutOut lets you select the finest details or transparent objects in a photograph with a single click. Create the perfect photomontage by cutting out individual objects with a couple of mouse clicks so that you can build them into another photo. It will look as realistic as if the object was photographed with that new background. The major problem that most graphical designers face is actually properly designing and editing the image around the objects that are in it.
This program is not only able to analyze the image in detail and identify objects using the edge detection technology that it comes with, but also do all the hard work for you. Let’s admit it, there are some rather nasty things about graphic design that most people don’t recognize, and tracing edges and curves pixel by pixel is one of them. This is by far the biggest discomfort that a graphic designer has to cope with, and the fact that the designer will find himself returning and redoing different segments from time to time is a lot more annoying than you may think.

No Threats Detected
Franzis Verlag
146.52 MB
Free to try
Mac / OS X / OS Classic
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