
Cognatrix for MAC

Free to try English Version: 1.6.1

3.6 (71.38%) 589 votes

Create and maintain multilingual thesauri, dictionaries, taxonomies or similar information structures.

Security Status: No Threats Detected

Software description

Cognatrix creates and maintains multilingual thesauri, dictionaries, taxonomies or similar information structures. Supports Preferred Terms, Variant Terms, Facets and user-defined Attributes. Standard relationship types include Broader, Narrower, Related, Use, Synonym, Obsoletes. Multilingual relationship types include exact, inexact, broader and narrower equivalences. Ships with the 20 language codes for the EU predefined but these can be altered/extended. No design limits on number of: terms (education version 500 terms max); user-defined fields (eg Scope Note); user-defined attributes; relationships; or language codes. No design limit on tree depth. Term names and user-defined fields can store up to 2 gigabytes of Unicode data. Exports XML in Zthes, Multites(TM) or Cognatrix formats (extensible helper application imports a number of XML formats). Generates publication-ready HTML using customizable templates. Completely self-contained (no SQL database required). Native Cocoa application. Universal binary.

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