CodeTwo QR Code Desktop Reader & Generator

CodeTwo QR Code Desktop Reader & Generator for Windows

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Scan QR codes from a screen-files-a webcam and clipboard or generate your own OR codes.

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Software description

CodeTwo QR Code Desktop Reader & Generator is a desktop QR Code reader and generator for Windows. It decodes QR Codes directly from your PC’s screen-files-a webcam-and clipboard and saves QR Code information to a file. It can read QR codes from website-email-banner or a document. Simply run the program and hit “From screen” on the top menu. You can also select an image file that contains a QR Code and the program will locate it automatically and decode it. To do that-simply click the “From file” button on the top menu of the program and select a desired image from your hard drive. The tool will let you generate your own QR codes as well. To do that-click the “Generate mode on” button in the top menu and enter the text you want to translate into QR Code.

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