
CloudyTabs for MAC

Free English Version: 1.1

4.2 (83.15%) 406 votes

Menu bar app that lists your iCloud tabs.

Security Status: No Threats Detected

Software description

CloudyTabs is a simple menu bar application that lists your iCloud Tabs.

To use CloudyTabs, open the app and select a tab from one of your devices. The tab’s URL then opens it in your default browser (useful if like me, you use Safari on iOS and Chrome on OS X), Cmd-Selecting a tab (or highlighting it and pressing Return) opens the tab in the background.
Typing the first few letters or a tab’s title will jump to that particular tab.
Hovering over the CloudyTabs menu bar icon displays a tooltip which lists the date that iCloud last updated the synced tabs plist (where CloudyTabs reads data from).

No Threats Detected
Josh Parnham
1.13 MB
Mac / OS X / OS Classic
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