Bookmark Manager

Bookmark Manager for Windows

Free English Version: 4.08

4.9 (98.37%) 527 votes

Organize and open your bookmarks with thumbnails.

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Software description

Bookmark Manager makes working with bookmarks many times faster and easier. There is no need to look through a list of similar-looking text links again and again in search for the needed one. Bookmark Manager carries out a new approach and displays your favorite websites as live thumbnails. As humans memorize images and their locations faster than plain text-you can find-open and manage bookmarks in seconds with the Bookmark Manager visual interface. And this is not the only advantage which makes Bookmark Manager stand out from similar programs. It brings great convenience and handiness in managing bookmarks. At first-you save them to the drop stack-an area for temporary links which saves your bookmark menu from cluttering. Then-you can crop and resize thumbnails-create new folders and tabs-drag-n-drop favorite links into them. All this allows you to keep your bookmarks area always tidy and organized-and therefore-find the one you need at a glance.

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Bookmark Manager software
5.21 MB
Windows 10|Windows 7|Windows 8|Windows 8.1|Windows XP
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