
AtomicReverb for Windows

Free to try English Version: 1.1

4.4 (88%) 3155 votes

Create mind soothing room-acoustics sounds.

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Software description

AtomicReverb is an algorithm based room and reverberation plug-in for AudioUnits/VST. Based on evolved algorithms-AtomicReverb creates warm-dense and impressive room-acoustics – without being bound to static room-presentation files needed by convolution/IR reverbs. With its unique combination of algorithms you can design acoustic room patterns in every conceivable way and for your required purpose. Atomicreverb provides highly configurable processing for early-reflections and late-reverb/tail. This allows you to create sounds from subtle reverbs over full and dense halls to dominant rooms or even tubes. Atomicreverb supports even common parameters like room-size-room-width-different damping parameters and a 5-channel EQ to design individual sound.

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MolecularBytes Audiosoftware
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