AAIR for Windows

Free English Version: 1

4.9 (97.39%) 2548 votes

Listen to the Internet streaming music and save those streams as MP3s.

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Software description

The Amazing AAIR Internet Radio is a desktop streaming music player. AAIR is all about access and sharing – the future of music online. Music streaming sites like Spotify and Pandora are great for getting music to people’s ears-but access is more than just a listening experience. Access that is dependent on licenses-monthly payments-or signing up for yet another service only offers a shallow glimpse of the possibilities technology has to offer. In fact-access without freedom-opportunity-and privacy is hardly access at all. Underneath the glossy UI of AAIR is a simple concept: Besides having access to a sea of music not covered by licenses and record deals-you can also play-buy-or download any song on the spot. When you experience AAIR-you will instantly feel that we don’t wish to limit what you can do. Instead-we want to show you our vision of just how enjoyable music can be when your choices are really yours to make. With AAIR-the sky is truly the limit.

No Threats Detected
Mad Hater
205.64 KB
Windows 10|Windows 7|Windows 8|Windows 8.1|Windows XP
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