
3D-XplorMath for MAC

Free English Version: 10.8

3.6 (71.39%) 799 votes

Mathematical visualization for teaching & research.

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Software description

3D-XplorMath is a mathematical visualization tool that has been under development for over fifteen years by an international team of mathematicians, The 3DXM Consortium. There is also a Gallery of 3D-XplorMath produced visualizations and animations called The Virtual Math Museum at our homepage. Until recently, 3D-XplorMath was a Macintosh only application. However, Professor David Eck of Hobart and William Smith Colleges has created a cross-platform Java version called 3D-XplorMath-J. Think of 3D-XplorMath as a highly interactive mathematical museum for exploring the visual aspects of the beautiful universe of mathematical objects and processes. Originally designed for the developers own use in teaching and research, they have been working to make it easy and enjoyable to use by anyone with mathematical curiosity and an appreciation for the visual and logical beauty of math. This museum contains over 250 well-known (and some not so well-known) mathematical objects, arranged logically into numerous Galleries or Categories. These include: Surfaces, Planar Curves, Space Curves, Polyhedra, Conformal Maps, Dynamical Systems, Waves, Sound, and Fractals & Chaos. The “3D” in its name refers to the fact that 3D objects can be viewed in strikingly realistic stereo.

No Threats Detected
3DXM Consortium
24.7 MB
Mac / OS X / OS Classic
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